Roadside Assistance


Roadside assistance to keep your business running 24 hours a day.

Service24h is the roadside support service from Mercedes-Benz. Our qualified Mercedes-Benz Technicians work to provide you with around-the-clock assistance throughout the UK and Europe.

To request Service24h from the UK and abroad please dial: 00800 5777 7777.

If you're unable to dial the above freephone number please dial: +44 (0) 207 660 9992.


Breakdown service 1680x945

On receiving a call for roadside assistance, our Daimler Truck Customer Centre (DTCC) create a job on their breakdown management system and email and/or SMS you a link to access our Online Status Viewer (OSV) which allows you to view real-time updates for this job.

Our DTCC will then search for the most appropriate S24h Technician to attend.  This is a straightforward process as all of our S24h support vehicles are fitted with GPS trackers which allows the location of each vehicle to be displayed on our DTCC's mapping system.

Once the appropriate Technician has been identified, the DTCC notify them there is a breakdown to attend.  The Technician can access all of the breakdown details via their smartphone, standard issue for our S24h Technicians, which they then use to accept the job and provide an estimated time of arrival (ETA) which will be visible to you via the OSV.

The Technician continues to provide real-time updates via their smartphone (arrival at scene, estimated time to complete repairs, actual time repairs completed) until the vehicle is back on the road, all of which are visible to you via the OSV.

All new Mercedes-Benz Trucks receive cover for roadside assistance and/or recovery for the first year should the vehicle be stranded roadside and/or cannot be started and this has been caused by a technical defect that is covered under warranty.  Beyond the first year, we will of course continue to support customers who require roadside assistance, however, this will be on a pay-on-use basis unless a service contract has been taken out which covers this.

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